Draeculacephala producta .
Size: approx. 6 mm. Photo: 06/26/12, 10 pm.

Draeculacephala producta is the most long-headed member of the genus and occurs in the Southeast, Texas, and Cuba. The color contrast in these photos is too strong.  

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Draeculacephala balli.
Size: approx. 5 mm. Photo: 06/26/12, 10 pm.

Draeculacephala balli is a rather short species. It has two black spots on the head and on the triangular wing base (scutellum). Notice that the latter are also triangular pointing backwards.  
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Draeculacephala mollipes.
Size: approx. 4 mm. Photo: 09/05/11, 10 pm.

This sharpshooter is Draeculacephala mollipes. The species in this genus have triangular, pointy heads and their veins are often bluish. They primarily feed on grass. There are 20 species in this genus in North America.  
bug guide (this photo):
Tom Murray:

Draeculacephala inscripta (Waterlettuce Leafhopper).
Photo: 06/07/15, 11 pm.

Notice the little frowning face! This leafhopper species can be found near water, in marshes, and wetlands. Its nymphs and adults feed on Water Lettuce, Floating Primrose-willow, and Water-primrose.  
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Draeculacephala septemguttata.
Size: approx. 4 mm. Photo: 05/02/12, 10 pm.

Another dogger: Draeculacephala septemguttata. This photo was identified down to the species by an expert on bugguide.net. 
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