Archasia belfragei.
Size: approx. 8 mm. Photo: 04/28/16, 10 pm.

This little "walking leaf" is Archasia belfragei. I found it close to our porch light and although it is not very big, it immediately caught my attention due to its unusual shape and bright green color. The high-arched crest rises vertically from the head, which combined with the brown fringe is a distinctive feature. In Florida, this species is associated with oak trees (Quercus laurifolia, Q. nigra) but uncommon. Its typical season lasts from March to June.  
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Florida State Collection of Arthropods:

Archasia pallida ♂.
Size: approx. 7 mm. Photo: 05/09/15, 11 pm.

This tree hopper is apparently a rare find. Its pronotal crest is lower than in the other North American species in in this genus. Its host associations are oak species. This specimen came to the light of our porch lamp. 

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Ceresa sp. (Buffalo Treehopper).
Photo: 06/24/16, 11 pm.

In the US, we have 36 different species of Buffalo Treehoppers. They are bright green and have an approximately triangular shape that resembles thorns and thus provide some degree of camouflage. The nymphs resemble wingless adults, but have a more spiny appearance that includes long forward-pointing plumes. 
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Cyrtolobus sp..
Photo: 04/08/15, 9 pm.

An expert identified this specimen as Cyrtolobus sp. The genus has over 40 species in North America. They are associated with oak trees. 
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Enchenopa sp..
Size: approx. 3 mm. Photo: 04/29/12, 7 pm.

Enchenopa is a really cool treehopper. The genus has two described and several undescribed species in North America. Seemingly there is an effort underway to link these species to their preferred plant type. For instance, the similar looking E. binotata feeds on Celastrus. I found my specimen on this plant. Another view of the same bug is shown here

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Ophiderma flavicephala.
Size: approx. 6 mm. Photo: 04/22/15, 11 pm.

Ophiderma flavicephala is a treehopper that can be found on oak trees. Females are slightly larger and brighter than males but the differences are not big enough to allow this determination here. This treehopper is common in Florida and usually found in March and April. 
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Ophiderma evelyna.
Photo: 04/06/15, 10 pm.

Ophiderma evelyna is a large treehopper (6-7 mm) and associated with oak trees. The species is relatively uncommon in Florida. This specimen was attracted by the light of my patio lamp. The small photo was taken on 06/24/16 and shows a female. 

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bug guide (small photo):

Platycotis vittata (Oak Treehopper).
Size: approx. 9 mm. Photo: 04/08/15, 9 pm.

I am so excited about this photo. It shows a beautiful Oak Treehopper which I found on our outside window frame. The horn of this species can have different lengths and be even absent. The wing patterns vary widely and the body color can be green, mottled or speckled with orange (see second specimen below, 12/24/18). It lives on deciduous and evergreen oaks but causes essentially no damage to the trees. Larva and adults aggregate on twigs into groups of up to 100. Females appear to exhibit protective behavior. Click here for a higher resolution photo. 

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Smilia fasciata ♂.
Size: approx. 7 mm. Photo: 04/08/15, 10 pm.

Smilia fasciata is a common treehoper in the Southeast. The characteristic stripe can have a green color. Adult males are darker and have a lower crest than the females. In general, the crest is more rounded than in S. camelus. The small photo was taken 03/26/20.  

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bug guide (small photo):

Telamona sp..
Photo: 04/23/18, 10 pm.

Fairly large treehopper in the genus Telamona which has 26 species in North America. This specimen was probably attracted by our porch light. Unfortunately, I didn't photograph the side view.  
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